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Mentoring for start-up and small companies in biotechnology in Finland

There has been requests for mentoring for start-up and small companies in biotechnology in Finland. IBC has decided to contribute in creating such networks. Our aim is to ease to start a new biotechnology company and to let the companies to grow.

First mentor network is associated to the Business Mentors Finland. This network is aimed to businesses more in need of basic business advise but related to biotechnology.

The second network is aimed for businesses in high tech field and called Life Science Mentors. Life Science Mentors network is now launched.

Press release on (English)

Press release on (Finnish)

See more on Life Science mentors web site 

Please contact Heikki Laurila for both networks and  Jarmo Helminen for Suomen yrityskummit.

NOTE: additional experienced mentors are welcomed to both networks

IBC Finland ry
c/o Clic Innovation Ltd
Eteläranta 10, 5th floor
FI-00130 Helsinki

IBC Finland builds novel biotechnology solutions and products through project cooperation between companies and research institutes. We offer industry the opportunity to achieve sustainable processing and production of biobased products, chemicals, materials and fuels, from renewable raw materials using biotechnology.

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