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Valio and St1 to produce biogas from manure – a new opening in reducing transport emissions

Food company Valio and energy company St1 are establishing a joint venture to produce renewable biogas from dairy farm manure and other agricultural by-products mainly as fuel for heavy-duty transport. The company to be established is targeting up to 1,000 GWh (1 terawatt-hour) of biogas production by 2030; this amount is one third of the biogas needed for Finland’s fossil-free transport roadmap. Significant emissions reductions can be achieved by using biogas for heavy-duty transport. However, the prerequisite for creating a supply and demand that aligns with Finland’s biogas target is that the biogas-powered transport fleet becomes significantly more common in Finland.


Read more on St1 website

IBC Finland ry
c/o Clic Innovation Ltd
Eteläranta 10, 5th floor
FI-00130 Helsinki

IBC Finland builds novel biotechnology solutions and products through project cooperation between companies and research institutes. We offer industry the opportunity to achieve sustainable processing and production of biobased products, chemicals, materials and fuels, from renewable raw materials using biotechnology.

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